Integrity Conference 2023

Integrity Conference 2023

INTEGRITY CONFERENCE (IC) is Trinity Baptist Church’s (TBC) global annual conference, which focuses on gathering people across the globe and challenging them to new levels of growth in God. As a Church one of our fundamental building blocks is integrity. The vision of the Head Pastor, Rev. Kingsley Appiagyei, is to impact generations with the integrity of God.

Integrity is defined as:
“The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles”
“The state of being whole and undivided”

Essentially, this conference is about teaching and encouraging people all over the world to experience and live in the wholeness that Christ offers.

Our Theme
Our theme for the year is “The Word”. This theme will serve as a framework for the implementation and smooth running of the Conference.

The Experience and The Message
Every single individual that participates in IC23 either in-person or online, must have an experience of restoration. Our desire is that people feel welcome and connected to the vision of TBC Oasis House at IC23.

The theme for IC2023 
The WORD –
James 1:21

Mon 25 – Sat 3oth
September, 2023

Each Evening

Trinity Baptist Church
Opposite UPSA – Accra

Conference Speakers

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